CBAM Software Available Now

CBAM Report Software features

CBAM Report Software on a laptop
  • Simplified Software interface to guide users through the CBAM process. The reporting complexity is compressed into three easy steps, and data input is optimized to reduce repetitive manual tasks.

  • Provide Software access to several internal stakeholders and manage their level of access to promote ease of collaboration while compiling the CBAM report.

  • Intuitive data upload capabilities of your imports info. We’ll take care of only compiling the relevant data into our Software to build your CBAM report.

  • Using the default values, our Software tools will take care of automatically calculating direct and indirect carbon missions.

  • Laurisystems Software provides an easy and intuitive review step. After reviewing and approving the inputs, you can generate a compliant .xml CBAM document ready to upload.

CBAM calculations done in three simple steps

Dashboard for initial report input

Easily upload all the relevant CBAM data

  • A simple drag and drop module to load spreadsheets with your imports data, including volumes, ID, dates and goods description.

  • Only the necessary data is needed as input. All the optional information can be dealt later.

Dashboard with all calculated emissions

Central dashboard with Emissions Calculations

  • A user interface to assess all the data and if required, easily complete missing information or correct any input.

  • Our Software will run all the direct and indirect emissions calculations, using EU emission factors or your Supplier’s data.

  • Simplified consolidated analytics to assess the calculated emissions and alert for any missing data.

Generate the CBAM report in .xml format

Final review cockpit and CBAM report sign-off

  • A final dashboard with all the compiled info and calculated emissions presented intuitively for final review by your team.

  • Manage user’s access, empower your team to run all the review process, and allow sign-off by an authorized team member. 

  • Finally, our Software generates a fully compliant CBAM report in .xml format to be uploaded in the EU portal.

Roadmap for upcoming Software features

Stakeholders Visibility

Our Software will provide graphical interfaces that display information about suppliers, customs representatives, and other stakeholders involved in CBAM compliance.


  • Increased transparency and facilitated communication between businesses and their suppliers, customs, and all your relevant stakeholders.

  • Help identifying low-emission suppliers, optimizing supply chains for cost and compliance, and maintaining good relationships with all stakeholders.

  • Dashboards and analytics that will include data on CO2 emissions, CBAM Certificates costs, and suppliers/importers relevant information.

CBAM Compliance Software

CBAM Risk Management Software

Our Software will have a module for assessing current and future CBAM certificates required to comply, and will facilitate Certificates purchase.


  • Manage financial impact by forecasting the amount of Certificates required and associated acquisition costs.

  • Support financial planning exercise and mitigate the risk of non-compliance by ensuring sufficient certificates are acquired in advance.

  • Intuitive interface to simplify partners and stakeholders interaction, and to facilitate the purchase of CBAM certificates.

CBAM Reporting dashboard

CBAM Backend ERP Integrations

Our Software will also provide integration capabilities with existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to retrieve and process data relevant to the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism legislation.


  • Streamline data management by automating the extraction of necessary production quantities and emissions information from ERP systems.

  • A backend integration to ensure that data used for CBAM Reporting is up-to-date and accurate, enhancing operational efficiency.

  • Reduce the manual and time consuming data input. Make the process low-touch and let the users focus on the strategic decisions.

CBAM Software to simplify compliance

More about our CBAM Software

  • Our CBAM Report Module is available! The other product components, such as ERP integrations and risk management tools are on product design stage with our partners.

  • We have a tiered pricing option that can be adjusted to your needs. Contact us to find out more.

  • We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please reach out to us via email at or leave us a message in our “Contact us” section. We will reply in less than 24hrs.

CBAM Frequently asked questions

How does the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) work?

CBAM charges importers for the carbon content of certain goods entering the EU, reflecting the price they would have paid under the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). Starting with sectors at high risk of carbon leakage, such as iron or steel, CBAM requires importers to report and eventually pay for the carbon emissions of their goods. The mechanism aims to prevent companies from relocating production to countries with looser emissions standards. The financial aspect of CBAM will be fully operational from 2026.

How is CBAM compatible with other ETS legislations outside the EU?

The legislation ensures equal treatment for imported and EU-produced goods. It considers actual emissions, aligns the cost of CBAM certificates with the EU ETS price, and allows deductions for carbon prices paid in the exporting country. The aim of EU is to prevent double charging and encourage global carbon pricing efforts.

Who is liable when incorrect or insufficient information is submitted in the CBAM Report?

The reporting declarant, either the importer or the indirect customs representative, is liable for submitting accurate Report information and may face penalties for non-compliance.

Is the Operators Excel template mandatory for CBAM reporting?

The Operators Excel template is not mandatory, but recommended by the EU. This is an excel file provided by EU to help Suppliers compiling the data required for reporting.

How does CBAM and the Emissions Trading System (ETS) interact?

CBAM will be introduced as free ETS allowances are reduced. It uses a certificate system, mirroring the ETS price, and applies only in proportion to the reduction of free allowances in the ETS. The full application of CBAM will start in 2026, aligning with the phased reduction of free allowances under the ETS.

To which type of goods does the CBAM Regulation apply?

CBAM Regulation targets goods identified by specific CN codes, focusing mainly on basic materials such as aluminium, iron, steel, cement, and fertilizers. It extends to certain finished or semi-finished products like fasteners to prevent carbon leakage, ensuring these products are also subject to carbon pricing.

Who is responsible for reporting during the CBAM transitional phase?

During the transitional period the responsibility for reporting falls to the entity lodging the customs declaration for the imported goods. This will either be the importer, if they are declaring the goods in their own name and on their own behalf, or an indirect customs representative, especially in cases where the importer is based outside of the EU.

Can an importer use multiple indirect customs representatives, and can one indirect customs representative serve several importers?

Yes, an importer can appoint different indirect customs representatives for distinct CBAM goods, each responsible for the customs declaration they manage. Conversely, an indirect customs representative can handle CBAM reporting for multiple importers but must compile a single quarterly CBAM report for all the goods they declare.